structure programming

英 [ˈstrʌktʃə(r) ˈprəʊɡræmɪŋ] 美 [ˈstrʌktʃər ˈproʊɡræmɪŋ]

网络  结构化程序设计; 程序设计; 结构化编程; 结构化程式设计



  1. Test results show that huG has reduced structure, easy programming model and good portability.
  2. "Design Patterns" co-author Ralph Johnson explains the overall structure of parallel programming, what kinds of problems it solves, and tell you how you can learn more about it.
  3. Block structure programming procedure
  4. One parting thought is that I have come to think of Clojure as sort of a data structure oriented functional programming.
  5. Programming Automation for Machining Structure PARALLEL PROGRAMMING TOOL-P TOOL
  6. Analysis of Type Structure of Programming Language
  7. The influence line calculated for rigid frame structure by programming
  8. This paper proposes a method of realizing real-time virtual reality simulation of UAV ( unmanned aerial vehicles) on PC, designs the system structure, programming platform, structure of model data and simulation data.
  9. The paper introduces the giving rise to and characteristic and the basic grammar structure of programming of VHDL language.
  10. On the basis of analyzing structure and programming principle of ISP logic device of Altera Co., this paper introduces the application of EDA technique and EPLD in fault detect system and discusses some related questions.
  11. In the end, concrete damage model on segmented curve is applied to finite element method of underground engineering lining structure by programming language.
  12. By means of the methods of structure analysis, structure design and structure programming and by using the DBASE-ⅲ system, the CAM system was developed on IBM-PC/ XT.
  13. This paper discusses the programmable controller software control theory and software implementing technology of the sequence control and analog control, its software structure and programming technology are referential to other control system.
  14. Analysing the Hardware Structure and Programming of Keyboard and Display of the DICE Simulator
  15. Construction techniques of CL structure complex Programming for Complex
  16. It discusses the principle analyse, hardware structure and software programming.
  17. Taking the development of OPC DA server as an example, the paper lastly describes the functional structure and programming structure of an OPC DA server with UML to demonstrate its development.
  18. The structure, programming idea and the technology of separating oil from water control system based on PLC were described in this paper.
  19. The practical analysis of the data structure in programming
  20. An optimal method of structure adjustment programming in the oil-fields production
  21. The paper contributed to the Programming a General MIS System Maintaining Using Power Builder, including the analysis, tables structure design and programming using Power Builder.
  22. Web Three-tier Structure Programming
  23. Structure and Programming of Higher Computer Software Package on Microorganisms Fermentation
  24. ISP ( In-system programming) logic device, which is PLD ( Programmable Logic Device) in 1990s, makes it possible to design ASIC ( Application-Specific IC) in laboratory. The structure, programming skills and designing method of ISP logic device are introduced.
  25. The Function, Structure and Programming of College MIS
  26. In particular the programming language develops rapidly these years, and the function and structure of programming language changes in essential. So we should construct an appropriate model language, which is much helpful to understand the every period of the development of programming language.
  27. In this paper the difficulties in control of production of synthetic ammonia are analysed, and the principle of new computer control system for ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen and the hardware structure and programming are described.
  28. Complying with ISO/ IEC 7816-8 standard and object oriented, taking the method of structure programming, a prototype system to be tested is built, in which security environment is the kernel and manage security environment commands and perform security operation commands are realized. 3.
  29. We call this method point-tree structure genetic programming algorithm ( PTGP).
  30. Several representative of the implementation of applications software modules were focused, such as catching, sending and receiving of video. From the functional structure, programming ideas, data structures and systems, primarily describes the aspects of the detail.